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  • Writer's picturedenisehagerman13

What's Your Dream Job?

Just putting this out there into the universe …

My dream job would be something where I could combine yoga, photography, creating visual content (using said photography) and writing and if somehow animals were involved (even if only sometimes) that would be a huge bonus!

What I love most about teaching yoga is helping people realize what they’re capable of and it’s almost always way more than they previously thought possible. It’s not about getting into crazy, impressive poses or having a perfect body. It’s about feeling healthy and strong in body and mind and more connected to spirit. It’s music to my ears when someone tells me they sleep better at night, feel calmer and happier during the day, feel physically stronger, have more energy or even a reduction in physical pain.

I love the feeling of community in small classes. People, especially beginners tend to feel less intimidated and more comfortable and supported. They open up to each another and encourage one another. I’m not in any way dissing large classes. They definitely have their place in the yoga world and I’ve been to MANY and can honestly say I loved most of them. I have the honor of knowing some AMAZING teachers who have the ability to make a crowded (30+ students) class feel like a gathering of a small group of friends, making each student feel important. This, to me, is a superpower. Thinking back to when I was a yoga beginner, I really appreciated the smaller class sizes. Perhaps my feelings will change over time but right now, I truly enjoy teaching smaller classes and connecting with each of the students.

I also love the beauty of nature and have been known to spend sometimes silly amounts of time photographing things like dragonflies, bees covered in pollen or drinking out of a bird bath, tiny spiders, and patiently waiting to capture a hummingbird when it quickly darts in for some nectar out of the feeder, or even better from a flower! My latest photography venture has been the moon, thanks to my sweet husband’s 50th birthday present to me last June (a Nikon Nikkor 70-300mm lens) and a tripod. And then of course my pets provide me with plenty of adorable photo ops. I have much to learn, as I haven’t yet made it all the way through my online photography lessons, (they got temporarily put on hold for continued yoga training and other priorities) but I have learned a lot and look forward to learning more and improving my skills.

Now I just have to figure out a way to combine all of these passions and somehow make a sustainable living doing it all… (insert thinking emoji here - hehe)…. Open to suggestions!

But enough about me. I want to hear from you! What does YOUR dream job look like? Are you already living your dream or is it still just that - a dream? If you are already living your dream, congratulations! Enjoy every minute of it. Without even realizing it, you're inspiring others to follow theirs! If you're not there yet, don't feel bad, you're not alone! What steps are you taking to get there? Let me know in the comments...

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3 commenti

20 gen 2019

You are a lyrical poet!! “Been known to spend silly amounts of time photographing things like dragonflies..” love it!! I see a published author in your future! ❤️😘 Keep chasing your dreams Denise! Your students are lucky to have you! 🙏🏼

Mi piace

20 gen 2019

Your writing is beautiful, very touching.

Mi piace

20 gen 2019

Love your photos, so ethereal!

Mi piace
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