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  • Do I need to be flexible to practice yoga?
    Nope! Many people dismiss the idea of trying yoga because of the misconception that you have to already be flexible (or thin, or strong, etc…), which is not true! In fact, you don't need to have any certain body type or physical ability to begin a yoga practice. Yogis come in all shapes, sizes, ages and levels of ability. Over time, you will find that you do become more flexible if you stick with it, but you can absolutely begin practicing just as you are today. :)
  • I tried a beginner's yoga class once but found it too difficult and I couldn't keep up. Does that mean yoga is not for me?
    No. Don't give up on yoga just yet! Sometimes taking a few private lessons is all you need to get familiar with some of the postures and learn how to modify them in order to make them more accessible as you’re starting out. You’ll also learn how to breathe consciously and listen to your body. In private sessions, you go at your own pace so there's no pressure to “keep up” with the class.
  • I have pets. Will they be a problem when you come to the house for our lesson?
    No way! I'm a huge animal lover and my husband and I have dogs and cats of our own so teaching in a house with pets is no problem for me. The more furry friends, the merrier! However, if they tend to like to "get in on the action" (as some of mine do), you may want to keep them in a separate room so you can get the most out of your lesson.
  • How long are the classes?
    It really depends on what your individual needs are. Most classes are one hour in length, although longer and shorter classes are available upon request. 75 minute and 90 minute classes are popular options for students who want a deeper physical practice and/or some additional time for meditation and a longer savasana (final relaxation) at the end of class. You will feel amazing after a 90 minute class! However, if you just don’t have that much time in your busy day, a 45 minute lunch break class might just be the pick-me-up you need. It’s so important to get up, walk and stretch frequently, when we sit or stand in one place all day but let’s face it, we often get so tied up in what we’re doing that we don’t always make the time to do it. All the more reason to schedule yoga lunches!
  • I want to sign up! How do I get started?
    Great! Congratulations on taking the first step to living a healthier life! You can start by sending me a message from the Contact page. Your message should include what type of class you are interested in (group or individual), where you are located and where you would like to practice (your home or office). I will personally respond to you with some information and to set up a phone call or in-person meeting to discuss your goals as well as my rates. I will send you some paperwork to be completed and returned to me prior to our first session.
  • I have additional questions that aren’t addressed in the FAQ.
    You can send me a message from the Contact page and I’ll personally respond via email (or by phone if you prefer and provide a number). Alternately, you can click on the Facebook icon (bottom of page) and message me on Facebook Messenger. I look forward to answering any questions you may have.
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